PROFINET Test Bundle

PROFINET Test Bundle

The PROFINET Test Bundle supports the development of PROFINET interfaces for field devices and controllers. It can be used as a means for preparation of the mandatory certification for PROFINET devices.

This bundle contains
RT-Tester (ART),
IRT-Tester (SPIRTA),
Security Level 1 Tester,
Test Specification PN devices,
PN Specification,
all PN relevant Guidelines,
Test cases for all RT-/IRT-/Security Level 1- tests,
GSDML specification and

The goal of this test system is to have all the necessary documents and test systems for RT and IRT and Security Level 1 (NetLoad) combined in one bundle with all the electronic test cases to be performed during a certification test.

This Test Bundle V2.43.1 Release shall be used for certification test of a device and/or a controller of Conformance Classes A and B and a device of Conformance Class C.

You will find the pilot version here:
PROFINET Test Bundle.

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